
In the pan

Salmon with Buttered Almond & Caper Sauce

2 salmon fillets

2 Tbsp capers

40g Herbivore® Butter

35g sliced almonds

1/2 lemon, juiced

1 Tbsp chopped chives

Recipe for Herbivore®
by chef Mark Southon

Heat a heavy based frying pan to medium/hot.

Cook the salmon fillets skin side down for a couple of minutes until crispy, then colour on both sides and the bottom.

Remove the salmon so it's still pink in the middle and rest in a warm place whilst you finish the sauce.

Lower the heat, add the Herbivore® Butter and almonds.

Heat until almonds are browned, stirring constantly so they colour evenly.

Add the capers, lemon juice and chives.

Place the fish onto serving plates and spoon over the sauce to finish.


In the kitchen